How to dress for a first date

Did someone swipe right on you? Excited for a first date but terrified as well? You are not alone, it is normal for most men to get nervous before a first date and what you are wearing can be a major factor. Here are some tips how to dress for a first date.

Make It Appropriate to the Venue but Stay Flexible
The first thing you need to know is, where you’re date is starting and where it potentially will end. Going to the movies and a mid-range restaurant, skip the suit but maybe jeans and dress shirt? If you are going hiking, wear something comfortable for the outdoors but also keep in mind, if things go good maybe you will be going out to dinner after and then to the bars; so make sure you wear something that can be flexible enough (a change of shoes in the car trunk can help too.) The key is to dress for the occasion.

Don’t Be Too Formal or Too Aggressive

Alligator shoes and a shirt that screams “look at me” can come off as too desperate. Also, if you dress to fancy you can run the risk of making your date feel like they didn’t dress up enough. It is best to play it somewhere in the middle. You may look good in a suit but your date shows up in jeans they will likely feel uncomfortable. Remember, you want to look confident but not come off as too cocky.

Dress First Date
Shoes Make the Man
Weather you are wearing a tuxedo or a sweat suit, the most important accessory is your shoes. Make sure you have a new (but not brand new) pair of shoes to wear. No scuffs, no holes; you want your date to know you put some effort into your appearance. Make sure you have a “hip” pair of shoes, not sure what “hip” shoes are, ask some girls in your life, they will tell you. A nice pair of dress shoes can class up a pair of jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes can work to dress down a suit; so use this to your advantage. If you are going to remember one thing about how to dress for a first date, make sure it’s the shoes.

I hope these tips are helpful at how to  dress for a first date and soothing your nerves before you next big date. Remember if you ever need help ask someone you know who is a good dresser, not only will they be flattered but they surely will be able to help you decide something to wear. Most importantly, don’t stress out too much; if you really have a connection a pair of mismatched socks won’t effect it. Good luck on that next big date!

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