What to do if Your Kid Doesn’t Get Into Their First Choice for University

first choice for university

Haver you been planning your child’s university plan, since they were in diapers only to find out that for some reason they didn’t get into their first choice for university? Don’t worry, though it may feel like the the end of the world, rest assured it is not. There are still plenty of options for you and your and your child to have a fulfilling, fruitful, and rewarding educational experience. Here are some tips on what to do next when your kid doesn’t get into their first choice for university.

Take a Deep Breath
first choice for university

Before you do anything, take a deep breath. Receiving a rejection letter from a first choice university can be crushing for your whole family but remember it was your child who has been working for this, so they may be the most effected, you don’t want your grief or panic to further a sense of shame from your child. It is best to stay positive, relax, maybe have a cup of tea and plan  a family meeting for the next day. It may feel like the sky is falling but it is not, there are still plenty of options for a successful educational path for your child. Some families even take a year off to reassess their educational plans. Once everyone has calmed down a little, listen to your child, find out what they want to do next; at the end of the day it is their future.

Way Your Options
It is important to know there are still options. One obvious option is your child’s back up school. What was their second pick and how does it compare to the first? Perhaps it was an equally good education but in a slightly less desirable location, maybe it was more money than you had hoped to spend, or maybe your child wanted to go to the same school as his friends. Decide what the reasons are for it being second, how important are these reasons and will they drastically effect your child’s future? If you can live with your second pick school there is nothing wrong with enrolling, that is why you called it your second pick. If you want to keep trying for your first school, it is still possible through an appeal process. With the help of experts such as Simpson Millar, filling an appeal can be a viable option. Though it is never guaranteed you will get admitted after appeal it is possible and at the very least you will receive more information on why your child was not accepted to their first choice for university.

So whether you decide to appeal the decision from the school, go head first into your child’s second choice school, or take a “gap year” for you and your child to  think on it, there are still plenty of options even when your child does not get into their first choice for university. So keep you head up and chances are you will all be laughing about this come graduation day.

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