How to Hire the Best Talent

We all want our business to have the best of the best when it comes to talent. Here are some tips on how to hire the best talent to make sure your company succeeds.
How to Hire the Best Talent
Think High-Tech
Whether your business is traditional or tech, you need to use the latest technology what hiring if you want to hire the best talent. This means using proactive recruited, building relationships with candidates like you would customers and consider using a Talent Management System, While sites like LinkedIn can be useful it may be better suited to go through professional candidate placement forms if you are looking for the best of the best.

Play Hard to Get
If you want to attract the best talent, don’t look desperate. Quality candidates who see your brand spamming every adword and social media platform looking for new employees each week will get the impression you can’t keep employees. That is why you need to present an attractive and confident brand. Do things that make high-level talent come to you. This includes the obvious like salary and benefits but also reaches far beyond. A highly talented candidate wants to work in a place where they are challenged and involved in creative and cutting-edge projects. They are also looking for a flexible and fun work environment. Countless big companies have lost out on incredible talent due to antiquated dress code and schedule policies. Remember, if you build a great work environment the talent will come to you.

Look Beyond the CV
A college degree isn’t everything when looking to hire the best talent. Look beyond past work experience and education, though while important they don’t paint a full picture, this is only one way to look at talent. If you are looking to grow your business you need to surround yourself with creative, high-level thinkers, who are passionate about their work. This means asking candidates about what they do on their free time, are they involved in relevant clubs and activities that confirm their passion for their field.  Are they truly interested in the job or just doing it for the paycheck? Also be sure they are good communicators and can work in a team because at the end of the day even the most “qualified’ candidate is only as good as their communication skills. A resumé is a good way to get one angle on applicant but it is far from the full picture. Consider going bowling instead of an interview, it may sound wacky but it will give you a much better sense of the person you are looking to have join your team.

So remember if you are looking to hire the best talent, utilize technology and professional agencies, make your company a desirable place to work, and don’t see an applicants CV as the end-all in the process. We hope these tips on how to hire the best talent will help you staff your organization with the cream of the crop. Good luck with your new candidates.

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